Chewbaka69 / OGame : Imperio

As we discussed over there in the issue you really shouldn't be opening a security hole for yourself. We've added some simple checking to hopefully prevent you from making this particular mistake in the future.

Please reupload your library at your earliest convenience, with the OpenUserJS block modified, so any script utilizing it will install... like this one.

Thanks for your attention on this matter again,
OUJS Admin

Btw you have a typo in here too:

--- /scripts/Chewbaka69/OGame_Imperio/source@2.2.1+61383a3
+++ /scripts/Chewbaka69/OGame_Imperio/source
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 // ==UserScript==
 // @version     2.2.1
 // @name        OGame: Imperio
-// @autor       SGM
+// @author      SGM
 // @date        2019-07-23
 // @description Ogame Empire, show resources, buildings, defences, ships, require TamperMonkey (/!\ NOT GREASE MONKEY /!\)
 // @include     *.ogame.gameforge.*/game/*

OUJS Admin